
kappa delta discussion

by: GR Administrator

Kappa Delta sorority chapter comments at University of Missouri - Mizzou

Posted By: GR Administrator
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#11  by: And   

And DG strikes again blaming another sorority. Soooo typical.

By: And
#12  by: get off   

Sigma, get off KD's page. Stop trying to frame other sororities. Check it--not that many all 5's for these ladies except for today, so it MUST be you since you got called out -- by coincidence!!-- today. Sad, sad, sad.

By: get off
#13  by: Wow   

Wow Sigma make your set up more obvious. KD doesn't hold grudges against anyone, so why you feel the need to set them up to look like self-rankers is just mean. I thought the girls in KD were the most genuine during recruitment, and while I didn't choose to be a KD,I still respect their class. Perhaps Sigma should take note from the KD's on how to behave on this website and to their fellow Greeks.

By: Wow
#14  by: <3 KD   

really some of the nicest girls i've met; no stereotype here - so many different kinds of girls find a home in KD

By: <3 KD
#15  by: stop the hate...   

KD is probably ranked so low on this website because they all have better things to do than self-rank, bash other houses, and be catty. Way to be classy and rise above this girls!

By: stop the hate...
#16  by: Thinks   

These are some of the these sweetest girls in Greek Life. They were the most genuine group that I spent time with. While I chose to be a Phi Mu instead I still love the friends that I made in KD. Some things that I noticed about the chapter though is that their younger pledge classes are cute, but they're older girls aren't the most attractive. They need to work on their grades, but overall an ok house.

By: Thinks
#17  by: So impressed   

I met a girl who's a KD at a swimming pool yesterday --she was wearing her "letters" so I just walked up to her -- and she was so kind! I told her I registered for rush but was thinking of not participating, but she encouraged me to do it. She said it was a great experience, she said I should do it even if I was leaning towards NOT joining. She told me to keep an open mind during the process. She also told me how strong all the houses are at Mizzou, but didn't single her house out at all. She said she couldn't do that??? I was worried that I might not be able to be friends with my highs school friends if they join somewhere I don't. She told me some of her friends are in other houses, and it's OK to be friends with other girls. I felt much better after talking to her! So, so sweet.

By: So impressed
#18  by: being honest.   

I wasn't crazy about this house when I rushed, I knew a girl in the house from HS that I wasn't fond of. But now that i've been here a few years I can honestly say this house has a lot going for them. They already had the reputation of being hardworkers and because of that they always have amazing HC partners, but what I see now is how genuine the girls in the house really are. It's sad that the one girl ruined it for me because I could really see myself here. They have a tremendous sisterhood, and if you give them a chance, I bet you'll see just how special these girls are too!

peace, love and go GREEK :)

By: being honest.

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