
thinking of dropping


i'm a freshman and idk i didn't end up with my top house after rush, decided to stick it out anyways. not to say there hasn't been good times and i haven't meet good people but in general i just feel like its no longer worth it. i'm putting in so much time and effort meeting the requirements, i dont enjoy attending the events, i barely eat at the house, etc. i'm paying thousands and i can't say i have genuine friends here either. everyone is super cliquey, it almost feels like 13th grade again. i keep telling myself it's better to be in greeklife and not enjoy it than be a geed and feel even worse left out, but idk if its true anymore. it's like everything i was promised during rush was just lies to get me in, and now they don't care about me anymore. i'm not sure i could honestly pretend to love my house when rushing the new girls so would it be better for me to just drop? how do i even go about doing it? is it gonna be awkward running into my ex sisters after? will i have nothing to do without greek life? genuinely need some advice please

Posted By: help
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Stick it out through next fall. Going through recruitment from the other side as an active is often a game changer. It throws your nm class together in such a different way than you have experienced before, and you get to know each other very differently from everything else. You see each other in a different way, form new relationships, and get close with girls you never even thought about before. It's strange but true. Recruitment is unique and has a way of changing the relationship dynamics to something very different. Drop in December if after all that you still aren't feeling it.

By: December

Don’t listen to people who tell you to “stick it out” because there’s nothing worth sticking around for. Freshmen year is the best year and thats it. I’m a senior about to graduate and I JUST now dropped a few weeks ago. Most of my pledge class left a longgg time ago but I decided to “stick it out” and I’ve been miserable. Such a waste of money and time. No “networking” qualities that make it worth it either. My biggest regret is not leaving sooner.

By: J

'December' is right, you need that bonding experience with your own class through doing recruitment together. The older members don't matter so much, they have formed their own groups in their own classes. You don't know what you don't know so give it another fall, and once you drop you can never go back.

By: hang on

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It's really up to you. I hated rushing from the other side like really hated it. The friends I have now are friends I made through my sorority but we would still be friends if any of us dropped. I met them just from going to the house freshmen year. I do think for the amount of money we pay it is up to you. If you aren't benefiting then dropping is an option. Do you really want to fake loving your house during rush? That I think makes it worse. As my house did the same thing - girls rushed me that said they loved it etc then never saw them ever again. I feel lied to sometimes.

By: ?

Definitely tough question. I agree with above that i didn't like rushing girls at all. I didn't have the bonding time with my mc as I was so stressed and tired. my roommates are in different sororities and when we came home it was such a stress. If you don't attend the events or go to house then spending around 3500 a semester is a waste of money. you will keep friends without a sorority. I'm finishing junior year and I did nothing with my sorority this past year and I still went to guys date parties or went with my roommates to theirs. Do what is best for you.

By: Tough one

awww i’m ngl every chapter has girls that feel that way :( as the other commenters said, going thru rush with your pledge class tends to solidify friend groups and you also make new friends in both your mc and the ones above.

if you genuinely think work week at your chapter would make you MISERABLE.. just save yourself the money (& time & effort) and drop!! you can make more friends outside of your chapter or even greek life, and continue being friends w the people that aren’t fake. it can be awkward to drop and see old sorority sisters out, but every house has members who dropped!! it kinda depends on the individual, some girls stay friends with old sorority sisters and others get the silent treatment. some chapters/execs turn a blind eye to inviting deactivated members to sorority events, so sometimes you can still go to events.

also if you want any proof that you’ll be fine after you drop, just look at girls who drop aphi 😅

By: real
by: ^^   

agreed but would not compare to girls in aphi lol their whole freshman yr is dedicated to getting on the “in” with the boys and their social life. if you’re in a sorority that didn’t prioritize this (which isn’t bad) it may be harder bc they have those connections to get into all the frat date parties, house parties, etc. still and stay friends with aphis that stay.

By: ^^

you will be fine if you drop i see girls that dropped my sorority and we are still friends and go out together often the only thing that changes is sisterhood events and our date parties but girls miss date parties all the time.

By: Drop

Your first year should have been amazing and it sounds like it wasn't. There are many girls that don't end up in the right houses and want to drop or they just find out that sorority life is not for them. Nothing is wrong with that. No one can tell you what your life will be like if you do drop. It may turn out just fine or you may have issues along the way with your old house. One thing for sure is you can build a great life at Bama and still have fun. Only you can make the right decision for you. Think hard on it.

By: cal

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