
which fraternity had the best pledge class?

by: looking for cute boys


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#1  by: early   

Too early to tell. After this weekend, when more girls can meet the pledges, there will be a better idea.

By: early
#2  by: observation   

Good ones:
I heard DX didn't do too bad.
KA same old, pretty good
Same with ATO.
Same with PIKE
LXA is a shocker, they got a big, nice pledge class
Pikapp is pretty good as well, like LXA
Sig Nu has high quality, but I think they got 15?

Kappa sig, I think they got 10?
TKE got 18, which is big for them, but it's TKE
SigEp got a decent pledge class so I've heard, but I haven't heard much else, so they'll be in this tier for awhile
Fiji is meh

Poor/Don't know enough about:
Delta sig did terrible so I've heard
DTD/DU didn't get many/haven't heard a lot
AEPI, haven't heard anything
Theta Chi is...theta chi
Sigma Chi, I heard had a decent size but a good portion dropped.

All of these are what I've heard/seen, correct me if I'm wrong.

By: observation
by: What...Sep 22, 2014 10:26:26 AM

DTD got like less than 10... yeah. But DU got 18 I heard. Thats pretty solid if you ask me. But who cares.

By: What...
by: MmmmmSep 22, 2014 10:42:02 AM

Yeah DU did pretty good, for their 3rd year here that isn't bad at all. I don't know how Delta Sig did but I heard they didn't do too hot. Yeah DX got like 19 surprisingly. And Sig Nu usually does well and are selective, that doesn't surprise me. I expected KA, ATO, PIKE and PiKapp to do well. LXA did good, but they accept pretty much everybody... As for Sig Chi, they are definitely going downhill after the Butters incident. On top of that they are losing their house

By: Mmmmm
by: spot onSep 22, 2014 7:08:20 PM

Except sigep actually got a really good one this year. they got 20 which is a huge step up from their like 8 or something guys last semester. and kappa sig was pretty good considering they've been off campus for so long and are still pledging decent guys.

By: spot on
#3  by: evals   

Best classes
KA and Pike: Same as always, good looking fun dudes
Sig Nu: Heard they want to get a bit smaller, got 15 high quality kids
ATO: Heard they gave out like 30 bids, usually have the most pledges
Pi Kapp: Losing a bunch of kids to graduation, gave out 20+ bids
DX: Surprisingly brought in 19 kids, much better than 3 last semester

Middle classes
KS: Again surprisingly got 10 or 11 guys, the most in a while
LXA: Gave out a lot of bids, decent quality
Fiji: Eh
TKE: Got a lot of kids for them, something around 20
SPE: haven't heard/seen much from them

Bottom classes
Sig Chi: Heard they gave out a good number, a few declined, down to 11
Delta Sig: Terrible
DU: Got a lot of kids, not sure the quality
AEPi, Alpha Sig, Theta Chi, DTD: Take a guess

By: evals
#4  by: From the block   

Had a great rush this semester:
KA, ATO, Pike, SN, Pikap, LXA, DX

Had an okay rush:
KS, SigEp, TKE

Either sh.it the bed or usually does this way:
SX, Fiji, Delta Sig all did badly this semester
AEPi, DU, DTD, Theta Chi, Alpha Sig the usual

By: From the block
#5  by: Michelle   

From what my friends and I can put together from what we've seen the last few parties we've all been to:

Good classes: KA, ATO, SN, Pike, LXA, DX
Decent from what we've heard: SX, Pikap, KS
Unknown: Any of the rest

By: Michelle

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