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Didn't know looks were so important to greek life at Brock, and why does APP need to be the sorority with the looks?? Not like any other organization at Brock has higher standards... Please name someone who hasn't gotten a degree for a non-valid reason. Don't even start about involvement and events because there is not one single organization on campus that is fully involved and shows up to everyone's events. You are all horrible at showing support ESPECIALLY the sororities, I have heard girls from every sorority complain about events when they are there so I don't know why yall just like to hate on APP so much. You all need to shut up and stop wasting your time complaining bout irrelevant things on this website. Grow up, go outside, and do something useful for once. Stop hiding behind your screens, if you really have a problem with APP maybe be professional and bring it up with them or GLC. Stop being cowards.
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