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Poster Name:
Tri Delt

Poster Message:
Over-rated: As much as I would like to pick Chi O, DG, or Phi Mu, I think they actually produce. They rush well, girls want them going into rush (I did!), and they win elections and events. They are great on paper, so even though I don't care for all of them as people, it's hard to say they don't work for their spot. So I have to agree with someone above, I think KD gets well known girls that don't much other than look stylish and socialize with the right people. They do well in events but I don't see the same drive to better themselves or KD. Under-rated: Straight up, I think it's us. Tri Delt is full of genuine girls who are involved across the board. We work endlessly for our philanthropy and have seriously stepped up in leadership, events, and rushing great girls. People still overlook us, and that's okay. I think we are quietly gaining recognition for all of our efforts and I will be impossible to ignore us once we have a big, beautiful house of our own! With that said, I think Zeta, Pi Phi, and ADPi are also under-rated. ALL of the sororities do more than people give them credit for.
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