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being OOS won't get you cut. But there are some factors to that that could either help you or hurt you. For example, if you and another girls have the same levels of involvement resume wise, are both put together and had good conversations, and both had about the same grades and test scores but one of you has to be cut (because Panhellenic tells us these numbers, and trust me when it gets down to the last 5 or so girls we HAVE to cut that night, discussions among actives can get heated) we'll look at a couple of things. If the other girl is in state we'll look at what area she's from. Do we have too many girls from that area coming back already? If we need to cut from that area is she the lowest ranked girl and even though we like her we want other girls more? In that case, being OOS helped you because we don't want to be known for only having MS girls. It could hurt you, however, if your recs came from alums of chapters we have no ties to. I.E. - you're from let's say Virginia and no one knows if you ~actually~ have a great rep and we don't want to risk letting a standards risk through. If your rec is from a lady none of our alums know that went to a small random school where the chapter isn't very strong, it won't hold the same weight as recs from alums, or at least alums from schools/chapters, that we trust. If you can get recs from MSU alums, even better. But larger schools with good greek life, especially if southern, will really help.
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