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The girl SC was one who cornered another girl and accused her of "campaigning," but she wasn't, it was all based on a joke she made to one of the guys who she was friends with that was taken out of context. Then SC turned around and tried to win sweetheart by getting more Phi Mu's invited to formal to persuade their dates to vote for her by making and buying them things. If you were here or think you know, then you do from the initials and account of what I saw. So no names should ever be posted. Like I said, she is not here anymore so no one should mention her by name. But just in case someone wanted to act like that didn't happen, I wanted to make it clear that it did. I also have a couple friends in Phi Mu, not best friends but they are nice girls. So this isn't an attack against an entire sorority. I'm too old for that business. This was one girl, but I do feel like her attitude is not uncommon in that house.
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