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I can't stop crying i don't know what to do. I had 4 houses last night and 3 I really really saw my self in. They weren't all top or the most popular but I was 100% content with them. Today I got my schedule back and had ONE house left and it was the ONE I just 100% could never see myself in. I didn't even put on my pref dress which I saved up pretty much all summer to buy that was supposed to be worn tonight. I came from out of state and I never thought I would be this miserable. I didn't think I would care so much but no one prepares you for this kind of rejection. I sincerely just want to transfer back to the school in my home state at this point. That sounds ridiculous but I had such high hopes for my freshman year and the year hasn't even started and I already want to leave. I have no friends here and thought Greek life was going to help me find my home. The house I had left was not my home. They tell you over and over to Trust the process but I know myself better than whatever this stupid process is obviously. Tomorrow is going to worse than today, all the girls running around all happy with their new sisters while I'm alone in my dorm....
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