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Poster Name:
The truth hurts

Poster Message:
You can thank Panhellenic as well as ADPI nationals who refuse to step in and teach these girls how to rush for these crazy cuts. I mean come on that ballon bridge thing at ADPI was god awful. Who thought blue, white, blue poka dots, with red and yellow balloons mixed in was a good idea ?? Secondly I've seen just some weird instas by ADPIs which would not attract pnms. And thirdly when I went through a year ago none of them knew how to keep on a conversation (literally felt like I was the one rushing them) plus on house tours parts of their house was unorganized and kind of dirty. The reason why ADPI is bottom is because they don't put in the work to move up. Their nationals needs to send girls from other chapters to help them. Increasing their quota will do nothing but keep girls from joining the Greek system. Panhellenic doesn't care about the girls who are going to be heart broken due to these stupid cuts.. At ADPI I didn't feel at home and I did not see myself there, if I were forced to see them on pre night because of this stupid rule I would have dropped too. And to any girl who does drop because all they have left is houses they could never seem themselves in, good for you for not settling and knowing you deserve the best experience ever and not giving into what Panhellenic thinks is "politically correct".
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