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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />round of applause<br /><br /> Poster Message:
just wanna take a moment to give a shout out to the ladies of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Delta Delta for taking some heat the last few days. If you werent a Kappa or a Delta, you probably havent posted much in a while! But this whole fight got us nowhere because guess what, they are both still top tier. soooo what was the damn point of all that anyway? to prove they are both very proud of their solid top tier houses and therefore will defend themselves behind a screen until their fingers fall off? Props to you ladies. For real. Youve taken a lot of heat today with all these self rank accusations and still didnt give in. Most find it annoying, but I actually think its pretty cool that you guys love your house that much. Im really not being sarcastic. Top houses. To the girl who is pitting these guys against each other, nice try, but they both still came out on top in my personal opinion. They may be interchangeable in the actual rank within the tier, but regardless, nobody fell any worse than the other. They both have things the other doesnt but they are both top houses. Soooo dont try to mess with the top tier or even the middle tier because they're too old and secure for your bottom tier games.
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