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okay ya, but...

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Everyone is forgetting zeta’s horrible retention rates, they are constantly giving out COBs. They basically give out bids like “you get a bid & you get a bid!”. They’re not a bad house to be in and get good girls, but maybe wonder why so many girls drop/get dropped. Also keep in mind grades, 2020 grades tri delt and kappa did a full 180. The top 5 houses with the best grades are usually pi phi, chi o, theta, adpi and kappa, but this past semester kappa did a flip with tri delt in gpa rankings, putting tri delt in the top 5 grades and kappa in the low middle. Every other house stayed in their same ranking though. Yeah kappa’s grades dropped, but they are still extremely selective and heavily on the legacy and rec side as well as pi phi. I would say gphi & tri delt are very similar in selectively considering looks and popularity. Either way all these houses are selective, there are so many girls who don’t even get into a house and slip through the cracks of recruitment. So you would be lucky getting into any of these houses.
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