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Poster Name:
Tired of the hate

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />stop being rude to fellow greeks <br /><br /> Poster Message:
I’m not in either sorority, before you start. And this can apply to any houses, not just these two. And Yes i did post this to DZs wall as well because this is my pet peeve. This goes for everyone like I said but the example I’m going to use is this: I was in class the other day, and I witnessed a DZ tell a SK that no one liked them and just overall being very rude and unkind. The pettiness and stupid argument she made gave me flashbacks to like kindergarten when someone gets mad at you for taking their crayon and says “no one likes you!”. As members of sororities, whether we are in the same house or not, we are supposed to build each other up, and have higher standards for ourselves. obviously some of this just comes with the territory of being in Greek life at Alabama, and in SKs case being new,but I really don’t think it’s serving anyone to hate on sigma kappa (OR ANY OTHER SORORITY), especially to their faces. It makes your sorority look ignorant and self absorbed. If you don’t wanna be a (insert sorority here), and aren’t a (insert sorority here), then I don’t see why you have to advertise your view of them. Focus on you and let the sorority in question focus on them. It doesn’t matter whether someone’s in Greek life or not, or what house they are in. If they are content and happy, let them be. Stop being hateful. It really doesn’t help you or them. Not everyone in the Greek community feels the same way you do l, and this is a prime example of how people see stuff you might not expect. The SK didn’t look bad to me, but the DZ sure did. By dragging others name through the mud, you might take your own with you so just keep your opinions to yourself or within your house.
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