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OP, hate to break to you but your own rant just demonstrated that you are the one with a bias and perception of the South dating back to the 1950s. I have lived in many places, coast to coast, and I can factually state the most ignorant and prejudicial areas are not in the south. There are areas of the northeast where you think you are in the land that time forgot. There is a whole new level of hate coming from the west coast. The snobbish mentally of the major cities when looking at others as beneath them. There is a famous cover from the New Yorker magazine on how NYC people view the United States, they see New Jersey and some waste land until you get to California. The moral of that picture is the attitude that any place outside of NY or LA is just a waste of space and time. Does the south have problems? Definitely, food choices are one of them. Especially the tendency to fry everything. What is really sad is you based your college choice based on getting a full ride from a particular school and not one where you feel comfortable and would enjoy.
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