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We can’t be all things to all people. You can very well be on the pre health track, make great grades, get research grants, volunteer, have a job, be in the honors college, and STILL not get into a good med school. Or get into a great med school and fail out. Or get into a great med school and when you graduate, become a professor for pre-health. Some people are more adept at science than English, but someone needs to study English. Someone needs to be the teachers or professors who taught you to get you to the high horse you’re on. There’s a certain amount of challenge that comes along with life and getting a college degree, which is how you advance in your learning, but if a major is so challenging that you can’t handle the work required of it, it’s not the right major for you. If that’s what you need to do and you can’t do it, don’t. Pick an “easier” major. And when you realize you struggle with memorizing scripts and writing page upon page of character analyses and staying up all night striking for shows because you’re a science person not a theatre person, you’ll realize nothing worth doing is “easy,” but the hard work WE ALL DO is worth it if we want it.
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