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I am a junior on the pre-health track in a sorority. It is possible to do it all and have fun! BUT, you have to want it. If you think that sitting around all day, every day, including Thursday and Friday nights, studying is too much, then this is probably not the right major for you. I'm not trying to be harsh, I just want to be very honest. In medical schools, studying is all you will do, so you might as well get used to that. This is only preparing you. At the end of the day, my major comes first. I go to what I have time for in my sorority, but my days as a sorority member aren't forever. The day you graduate, none of it matters anymore. What does matter is how you set yourself up to be the best applicant possible. You have to choose what is more important to you. With that being said, I felt that I have had a fulfilling time as a sorority member! I have been able to go to lots of events and football games. I've just had to be more selective on what I attend. Time management is key! I was so overwhelmed my freshman year. I didn't think I could do this. Now, I'm applying next summer! If you're committed, you'll make it!
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