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Poster Name:
Fun but not

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />this is a fun school, but not good for your future <br /><br /> Poster Message:
If you want to have a college experience that’s fun filled with partying, hanging out with some of the best looking people ever (not sure about being genuinely friends though), and just having a “lit” time, then this school is for you. However, if you have big goals in life such as going to medical school or law school, this isn’t the school for you. This school is good for socialization but for people who want to do something in life besides being trophy wives, this isn’t the place to be in. This is the place where you can have as much as you want on a certain night, but then when you wake up the next morning and remember that your goal is to have a successful career in medicine, law, or business, you will know that isn’t happening in Alabama where racism is still very public and homophobia and all kinds of bigotry are still sky-touching.
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