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To Mom

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While I'm sorry that i can relate's experience led to her conclusions, I'll speak from the POV of an alum who does recs for many Bama PNMs, and networks with others who do. Search the UA 2012 Sorority Pledges list, published for viewing at the UA Greek Affairs site. You'll see many OSS PNMs, including California girls, who accepted bids. Legacy status doesn't carry much weight in competitive recruitments. So many legacies rush, it's impossible for all to receive bids from their legacy and a lot don't. In SOME cases, legacy status hurts-- a PNM gets dropped by other houses assuming she'll want her legacy. However, plenty of women who are first in their families to rush do fine at Bama I'm not aware of sororities obtaining financial documents needed to see how much $$ a family truly has. It would require hacking into bank accounts and tax info. I will say, though, Bama sororities are expensive. PNMs below 3.0 are warned to expect heavy cuts. What GPA was on the high school transcript? I think Bama takes that and doesn't recalculate. Verify with Registrar if the 3.1 or 2.9 shows. Recs are needed -- try for two per house. Sororities like well rounded members, so extracurriculars help. Looks and charisma -- nice but doesn't equate a beauty queen working the room. Present nicely, be friendly, show interest. If quiet, work on communication/conversation skills so not to get lost in this huge rush. Whichever UA your daughter chooses, best of luck to her.
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