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You can't really rank the tops because they're all good but different depending on your personality/values/whatever!!! Some you might fit better in and some are better in certain ways... TOPS ADPi- classic southern sorority, a lot of blondes, all pretty smart but also take many legacies. known for being Southern Belles, good girls, and religious :) "all American girl" looks! KD- really laid back girls! Known for being chill and witty, great senses of humors and the "girls next door"! They're not that involved in the Greek community as the other top tiers but they're still really good. frats like these chill girls and many are very wealthy, and pretty! ZTA- a lot of fun girls who like to go out. really care about their philanthropy and do a lot of fundraising for it! Many are quirky, in a cool way, and funny/real girls. Majority are very attractive in that hot party girl way DDD- another top sorority with a lot of legacies and rich girls!! these girls are probably the wildest of all the top tiers! Not much else to say about them but a lot are attractive but they aren't really known for doing much on campus Some would consider these middle but I personally think they're making their way Into top and should be considered with them: LOWER TOP: CHI O-best sisterhood! Smart&Kind A CHI O- more hot party girls ..the rest of the sororities are not as involved on campus and just not as prestigious/not much to say there.. Mid tiers: DZ/KKG same level PHI MU Bottom: GPB....
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