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It really bugs me when people say they know how the equations work when they really don’t. The newer chapters have less yearly data to go off of to accurately depict how many girls they can let go and still be okay. It’s literally what happened to Pi Phi two years ago, they were told their numbers were really good and better than expected and they dropped way more girls than they should have and ended up with a smaller pool to pull from. But last year they had a huge PC. The computer runs all of it and every house makes a gamble when they decide where to put girls on their lists because they’re competing with every other house for that same girl but depending on where she falls on their list and other lists as well as how many the chapter is allowed to take, determines where she goes. It’s all a giant computer equation with so many factors it can’t be oversimplified on some anonymous website. Listen to your Pi Chis and just try to get to know everyone you meet during recruitment and you’ll be fine!!!
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