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famous phi mus 2

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Aviation Jerrie Mock (Psi) - first woman to successfully fly solo around the world[4] Mary Weber (Delta Epsilon) - astronaut[4] Government Carol Laise Bunker (Gamma Delta) - U.S. Ambassador to Nepal 1966-1973, first woman director general of the Foreign Service [4] Betty Montgomery (Delta Kappa) - first female Attorney General of Ohio[4] Kathleen D. Morrison (Eta Beta) - first commanding officer of the Naval Medical Clinic and Legion of Merit award winner[4] Melinda Schwegmann (Alpha Eta) - first female Lt. Governor of Louisiana[4] Elizabeth Weaver (Delta) - currently a Michigan Supreme Court Justice and former chief justice [4] Commander Tova Wiley (Eta Alpha) - first woman to hold the rank of Commander in the U.S. Navy, winner of the Legion of Merit Award
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