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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />*accurate* sorority rankings and explanations!!!<br /><br /> Poster Message:
*Rankings should NOT determine your choices throughout recruitment, let your personal experiences drive you* First Tier: Phi Mu / ADPi / Kappa / Theta - all old row, most selective, generally know who they're taking before recruitment even starts, these four are pretty interchangeable in terms of who is the 'best' Second Tier: KD / AOPi / ChiO / Zeta - all very competitive sororities, this order is pretty solidified. KD is not old row which is the only reason they aren't in first tier but they have incredible recruitment year after year. AOPi has a big mix of girls but no matter what their girls are amazing. ChiOs will argue that they should be higher but their 'old row' status is really all that keeps them this high IMO. Zeta is nationally very respected and is a great sorority at UGA as well, consistently great recruitment Third Tier: TriDelt / SK / Aphi / DZ / Gphi - overall these are each great sororities but are not as highly competitive as the first two rows. People will argue about the order of this and it can change year to year based on the incoming MCs but this is accurate for now. TriDelt is a nationally respected sorority and is great at UGA however they also have consistent drama. SK has had impressive recruitment years recently and have been getting consistently great MCs. APhis will likely be upset by this ranking but they're a newer sorority and while they've done great they aren't 'above' some of the more established chapters yet. DZ has also had solid recruitment in recent years! GPhi had a good MC last year but had issues with frats in the last year as well. Fourth Tier: AXO / AGD / DG / PiPhi - all good sororities but their MCs are less consistent and generally just have a big mix of girls. The sisterhoods of all four of these sororities are great! Fifth Tier: SDT / DPhiE - wide range of girls in their MCs and recruitment tactics are not up to par with the sororities above but still have great girls in these chapters! Not Applicable: AXiD - newly established chapter as of last year, so it's not fair to rank them yet, however they seem to be doing great so far and AXiD is a very respected sorority nationally so it's very promising!
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