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A miss...

Poster Message:
Same old tired list. You haven't adjusted for the houses that have stepped it up in recent years, and those houses that have slipped in standing. There are several houses that are just coasting on the fumes of their history, and some that are really strong houses but have old reputations or lack of on campus history to overcome. This list doesn't do anything but restate the same basic order that has been listed again and again. I guess the thinking is that if you say it enough times, everyone will believe it's a fact. KD isn't #1. Top tier, but not #1. Zeta should be in the middle group (top of middle, but middle) Sdt is definitely not "just below axo". DZ should be in middle group - and I would even put them above Pi phi and axo. DDD is slipping fast, but I don't know that they've fallen below sk. As far as sdt's house, you really should try to be kind. SDT isn't everyone's cup if tea, but they have great girls who love their sorority and are happy to have a strong sisterhood over a gorgeous house.
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