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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />actual sorority tiers<br /><br /> Poster Message:
For some reason, there has to be tiers. If not, this Greek Rank site wouldn't exist. Every sorority at LSU is amazing. Every group had a great rush. What everyone needs to remember is this is mostly a place for people to voice their opinions and put down the groups that threaten them. Honestly, tiers are, for the most part, aligned with how long a sorority has been here, and that doesn't change unless a group leaves campus. For example, if ADPi would not have left campus, they would be top tier. That's kind of how this works. Freshman girls, I know you're excited to be in a sorority, but just because you're in it doesn't move the tiers. Chi O is the largest sorority and probably the most well known. KD was the first group here. They are top and will remain there unless one leaves. DZ, DDD and Phi Mu and Kappa, undoubtedly the most victimized here on Greek Rank, will always share the upper mid tier. Between their philanthropies, GPAs, and campus presence, they remain. Pi Phi, DG and A Phi are solid mid and Zeta, Theta and ADPi right after them. Tiers are always in no order. I know a lot of people try to put them "in order". That would just be their opinion. Some people will probably lose their mind over this post, but this is real life. 💜💛
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