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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />advice<br /><br /> Poster Message:
If you have a 3.2 GPA you should be fine – if you get cut with anything at or above that, it was probably for another reason. Rush here isn’t as big as some schools, but many chapters have the same standards as those 300+ houses you hear about. If you went to a school in the Minneapolis suburbs, you probably have an advantage, especially if you have friends in the house. If you have enemies… welp, don’t be mad if you don’t get asked back. If you are from out of state, yes you absolutely have a chance, unlike some other greek systems. Look your best! Bleach your teeth, wax your brows, make sure your legs are perfectly shaved, get a spray tan, ditch the glasses for contacts, and make sure you wear full makeup everyday – base, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush! Girls come through and they look like they rolled out of bed or are too afraid to even try to look hot. This is college, not a junior high band concert… do your makeup as though you were going on a date, please impress us! Your clothes should be on trend, well accessorized and nice. I hate to say this, but try not to have mousey hair…. At minimum, it should be brushed and look like you went to some effort to do a blow out. Girls get frustrated, mad and mean that they didn’t get asked back certain places, usually because they didn’t go to the effort of figuring out what the norm of their peers are.
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