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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />when my best friend didn't pledge top<br /><br /> Poster Message:
So much hate going around this page for lower mid/bottom "tier" houses... My best friend from high school went off to a different SEC school and after her second night of rush she was dropped from every house but her bottom two. I didn't understand why, neither did she. She is smart, beautiful, and has a great personality. I was so sad for her, as was she for herself, but she has grown to absolutely LOVE her "bottom tier" house! This is a reminder to me that although some girls have to fall into each tier division we have created(so dumb sometimes) that there are truly beautiful, talented, smart, sweet girls in each and every house!! I do not look bad upon my friend or think lower of her because she isn't top. She found her TRUE HOME and is totally in love. I do not love her any less and I am so excited for all girls like this who find their true homes and love it with all their heart too!
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