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This is dangerous because by the later rounds sororities don’t want girls who landed in the middle. It also makes it easier to be cut so try to stand out and be memorable about something you talked about. Each sorority is told a number of girls they can bring back each round based on how they have performed in past years so a sorority might have liked you but if you’re 301 and they can only bring back 300 girls it doesn’t matter. Example of how girls are told to vote: 1: no conversation, did not like, not put together, not like current sisters, no connections in house 2: dull, did not present herself well, seemed nervous, would not be a chapter asset 3: doesn’t stand out, looks fine, average nice girl 4: memorable, looks good, connections in house 5: perfection, literal model, will be the next chapter president Seem excited, don’t complain (yea it will be hot don’t complain about anything), don’t be boring or shy. Ask questions about the sorority!! They want to know that you are interested. Recruitment is a weird time so even if you are normally outgoing talking to this many girls will be exhausting and stressful. When answering questions give the girl things to work with. “What dorm are you in?” “Oh I live in XXXXX I love it I met my roommate randomly but we’re already getting close. We binge watched XXXXX all last night.” She doesn’t want to talk about what dorm you’re in any more than you want to. Break the script and pivot off. If she is just asking you a bunch of questions it’s bad. This is like a job interview in some ways but not like that. It shouldn’t be she asks and you respond that will get you low or average ratings. Get it to feel like a normal conversation. Show her that you’d be fun at mixers (not by talking about boys or parties but by seeming happy, friendly, outgoing, funny, positive) and also someone she can relax in pajamas with at the house (kind, funny, happy, positive, friendly, sweet). The dorm you live in, your major, where you’re from don’t show her who you are so it’s fine for a bit but get it into other topics. Give her enough to work and make sure you highlight stories showing you’re involved, have fun with your friends, and are excited. She’ll also appreciate it because it is hard on the actives to keep the conversation going too. I only know with certainty how my sorority does it and bits and pieces from when my friends in different ones talk about it. This is the info I wish I had as a freshman but it might not be accurate for every house. I’d guess that all the houses are probably 80% the same on how they do it though. Rush sucks but you hopefully have a house you like and if you don’t stay until just before initiation. If it’s not the sorority experience you want drop. Join clubs on campus and make friends. Rush is harder as a sophomore but try its better than being sad about the one you’re in! There are so many ways to make friends here outside of Greek life!
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