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Poster Name:
.i mean.

Poster Message:
listen, You seem to have an already negative outlook on rush. I have a sister who had a GPA at 2.5. She went to day three and got cut. You will be cut because of your GPA and that again is because nationals will NOT allow certain chapters to take you. Now, you have friends in chapters, ask to right you a letter of recommendation. Tho to some chapters that means little to nothing because one sister does not equal all sisters. also, you won’t be humiliated because no one will know who likes you, who doesn’t, who keeps you, and who doesn’t. so honestly, if you are going to negative going into recuritment you will get dropped because it will show. go in with an open heart and open mind. get over this negativity, be strong and have courage and you will get a house. you will be okay, you be loved and valued, and you won’t get embarrassed because TRUST me, those girls on the inside are way more stressed then you and are trying to make everyone happy. with that being said, get excited and do not stress. you’ll have fun if you let yourself have fun. also, side note, you forgot gamma phi, so you’d have four houses to lean back on. and please do not focus on the sororities your friends are in. you literally may not even like them.
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