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Poster Name:
NPC Girl

Poster Message:
I agree with the above comment. This needs to end NOW!!! Whoever did this is either a pissed off Greek (who probably hates his own fraternity) or a lonely GDI (who got no bid to join any house). Either way I do feel that ZBT was framed. They would not write such BS. ZBT a colony that is trying to do good, establish a good relations with other Greeks Orgs. and help strengthen our community. Remember, "WE ARE ALL GREEKS" no matter what our letters are. Rush week is a time we as Greeks should be celebrating our community by welcoming PNM/ rushes and showing them how fun it is to be a Greek , as well as supporting fellow Greek orgs. And Greek Lady is correct...let us not be like the Greeks at ASU because all of them do hate each other (bashing each other badly, spreading untrue rumors and lack support for one another) and their whole Greek Community is on a spiral decline. WE ARE UA GREEKS AND OUR UNITY IS MUCH STRONGER.
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