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The stronger their return statistics for the past 3 years the fewer women they will get to invite back to the next round. So the more competitive the house, the more cuts they have to make. That's the reality. It's so they don't string you along all week getting your hopes up only to dash them at the last minute and leave you with no options. They do it to give you a chance to fall in love with some other group who thinks you are awesome! Think of it like this: You can't all date the football captain and its better if he tells you upfront it's not gonna happen instead of stringing you along all year until the week before prom and then asking your BFF to be his date instead. You were so sure he was going to ask YOU! It's the 11th hour and now you're devastated. Too devastated to even think about accepting an invitation from the basketball star even tho he's a hot guy too...but you never noticed him because you were so fixated on the football captain all year. What a sad waste! But if football captain had told you way back in September it's not gonna happen, then think of all the fun you could have had getting to know Basketball star!...and hey...Class President over there thinks ur kinda cute too. So many options out there to consider once you realized that Football Captain is just not that into you! Just think of these cuts as the Football Captain letting you go so you can get a chance to know Basketball Star and Class President...
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