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Poster Name:
PKT backlash

Poster Message:
You are 100% correct they were Thetas. But you can't complain that we are lumped together when the crap hits the fan and then group together when it benefits us. GROW UP. PKT is continuing to shovel the dirt on ourselves by judging girls off who their parents are, where they went to school, and the perceived bank account of their families. Just like when I was in the white dress at the deb ball, a room full of mostly shallow girls going through the motions, not because they enjoyed it and wanted to be there but because it was expected. Being groomed to be a PKT is what it is, but it has left me, personally feeling empty because I have become what I always hated. My mother pressures me to be in the JL but I just hate this life. Shallow, back stabbing, and so much gossip between people that are suppose to have each other's backs. PKT might be highly ranked but it has destroyed me by stressing what doesn't matter and not supporting what does.
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