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Just the facts

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Pi Phi, Kappa, Theta (PKT) - Very exclusive and hard to get into. Focus on old money, having gone to the right camps and being from the right areas. If you have a chance with these groups, you probably already know it. Tri Delt - pretty hard to get into at UT. Most girls I know got cut from them. Mostly cute/pretty, lots of Christian girls. Good connections needed. Chi O - also pretty exclusive here. Lots of Young Life girls. Again, good connections help. Zeta - Focus on looks, looks, looks! Helps if you are/were a pageant queen, homecoming queen or prom queen. Lots of cheer/dance girls too. Lots of talk about their reputation on here, but the ones I know aren't like that. A Chi O - Mostly pretty girls who couldn't get into the Big 6. A Phi - They used to struggle at UT, but their rep is changing. A bit more selective now. Focus on pretty/rich girls who got dropped from Big 6. DG - Has their share of cute/pretty girls, but model looks not required to get in. Lots of smart suburban girls. KD - Nice girls ADPi - not a favorite for most girls during rush, tbh. But most seem happy here after they pledge. AXiD - Easier to get into and a little smaller, but they do have their share of cute girls. Just shows the overall quality of sorority girls at UT! SDT - No longer participates in formal rush. Just not competitive here.
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