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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Recruitment Honest Review<br /><br /> Poster Message:
This is gonna be a very honest review for the chapters who genuinely want to make PNM's feel welcome if we go through this process again in the Spring. This is a compilation of thoughts from the girls I recruited with because we each love the houses we chose but recognize the flaws. -AXO: There's not much to say than if you're gonna be recruiting based off of looks there's not much to say, it's just shallow and sad and the rep is just gonna keep growing and at least formally tell people they're dropped instead of inviting to one zoom and ghosting. -ADPi: Ya'll did great at the events and making people feel welcome! BUT I would 10/10 recommend dropping girls you know don't align as the process goes on. Let them know that they've been dropped or when to expect the next rounds email by so they know, that way over 120 girls don't get their hopes up for nothing. -GPHI: Also had great events BUT I mean if you know who you want also based off looks at least have the audacity to keep it out of the public or the meetings. No one wants to feel left out and certain girls not getting comments or follows while the "prettier" ones do is just so sad and degrading. Also don't preach "Greek Life here is so close knit" and unfollow new members you talked to right away just because they chose a new house. -DZ: Just put yourself out there, have fun events and make the girls fall in love with the sorority. -SK: Also had fun events, but don't disappear mid recruitment. Be consistent I know so many girls who had SK as number one but thought they got dropped because we heard nothing for weeks so they fell off the radar and by the time they were back, they had already moved on to another. -ZTA: If you're going to say "message us if you have any questions" actually answer and don't just ignore and leave on seen. Fun events but I actually don't know anyone who went ZTA so I can't comment from the inside, on the outside they just ghosted a lot of people and no one really knew if they were still rushing them or not they hard ghosted and kept everything secretive.
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