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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Matthew Morton wants me to yacht Sardegna<br /><br /> Poster Message:
When I know I don't belong at indigent places that Grace Morton visits. I visit places like the secret areas of Europe and beaches like Fenetene and Vixinile. I despise people who eat at Providence and people who yacht Sardegna who think they're rich. I tell them you can't afford Outlet and they're LXA's bap aspiring to even be near a dish I've had, most people Grace Morton knows thinking Animal restaurant is a splurge. Matthew Morton keeps blasting odors onto me and teleporting loogies onto me, him teleporting cheese and loogies into my cigarettes like the white trash Gujarati crossdresser he is, him thinking a torchon at Per Se is a luxury. Want me to be poor for a day? I'm not a using supporter and I think identities should stay on the being, me never being associated with Khoury ass criminal movements. Sardegna yachters and people who visit the atelier are the poorest people in existence who can't afford a single Euro 900 trianguitillion Otnznt
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