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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />Indians are all FANS OF EXCREMENT<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Indians: -Are NSA supporters because they're JUST AS PERVERSE AND POLAR OPPOSITE OF DECENT -Are soror fanatics when they can't handle the sight of steak being put on the grill -Would kill a kind hearted puppy -All darshan on Diwali, a holiday of feces smearing -Can't eat their own butter chicken or shahi korma -Smell like burger spread and lu/feces -Partake in hypocrisy -Are into muggf*ck and excrement odors -Are terrorist degenerates -Are all pregnancy fetishists -All give birth to cleft lip babies on and off all psychotronics -Are slowly dying, rightfully so -Can't ever have a cesar salad -Can't ever buy a 20 cent can of sardines with their trillions -Are true degenerates -Like Gili Lankanfushi and the lu odor -Are sexual deviants, not the fun homoeroticist type -Are lowly vermin -Were created as filthy rich using supporters to make degeneration big -Are a disgrace to food -Are true deviants like necrophile Barbie boy Abhishek Jogani -Don't let their kids eat burgers -The bad ones chew on bovines and don't get to sleep -Are disgusting at everything they do unless they're a slave in a sweatmine -Jains can't try watermelon let alone truffles no matter how hard they work because they can't be materialistic mushroom lovers -Jains can't ever own canvas Hermes -Like foot odors and smearing excrement -None can ever touch burrata -Think I work in real estate because they're that stupid as to think I'm working class -Are so poor as to like 6 Midsummer over a nice Fezete -Indian men are all gay -Don't throw up at ugly Jogani babies in a sleeveless shirt -Don't kill Shelley Allen -Like the stench of URINE on FEET -Like the feetlu odor -Like the RKOI -Are degenerates to existence
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