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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />stop<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Adpi = DG = kappa THEY ARE THE SAME. Stop trying to rank these sororities. I would think that the fact that you guys are top tier would mean you wouldn't care about self-ranking on this dumb site. You don't need to convince anyone you are #1 because honestly, there is no #1 sorority. You three ALL have wonderful girls in your sororities. You three ALSO happen to have a few rotten eggs who shed a bad light on your sorority. But that's okay, because it's impossible to have 100 perfect girls. You ladies have popular, stunning, kind, and genuine girls who you are lucky enough to call your sisters. People need to stop wasting their time trying to bring each other down by spreading rumours about ANY sorority. Any time you diss another sorority, it makes you look jealous. Who cares if kappa is "better looking" than dg? Or that adpi is "more involved" than kappa? Or that dg is not as "crazy" as adpi? WHO CARES. The fact that you are in a sorority in the first place means that you're a well-rounded person. EVERY sorority has girls who participate in philanthropy events, raise money for charity's, play sports, support one another etc... I understand that the "tiers" are pretty solid and aren't going to change, but RANKING sororities from #1-8 is just not possible. The fact that people are wasting their time on Greek rank instead of enjoying their summer disgusts me. Get a life and go have some fun!!! PLEASE STOP THE RANKINGS.
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