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PSA from behind the scene

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This is indeed true as the school is making harsher rules when it comes to undergrounds. This is really the first year we have seen some sports coaches kick members off the team for joining an underground, as this is a somewhat new school rule that administration is now enforcing. The Panhellenic Greek council is also in full motion to switching formal Recruitment to the fall in the next couple of years, as they are fully aware of the underground fraternities and sororities and have created an action plan to diminish them. Roanoke College is making underground’s a bigger priority because of the multiple hazing allegations and incedients that have happened (the ivy and eta pledges getting stomachs pumped annually, and that ivy girl that had a bowel movement in result of hazing). The school is not naive, so it would be to think that they will continue to allow this bad press in a time where other schools are even banishing REAL, regulated sororities.
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