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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />best parties<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Who throws the best parties, no exact order. SIG- Sig has some of the better parties on campus and usually has a pretty good turn-out for most of them. A lot of Undergrounds hang around SIG. PIKE- Has the largest turnout for parties, but they aren't exactly bangers. If you just like hanging out with some hot chicks go to PIKE. Very exclusive. KA- Used to have some of the largest and wildest parties on campus, but after losing two or three solid pledge classes they've been falling off a lot. Girls still show up though, and most of the current guys are pretty chill. Can be exclusive. Pi Kapp- Honestly have stepped it up in terms of their parties, that has mainly been because of two solid pledge classes. Still a lot of try-hards though. Really nice guys, but some can be creepy. Pi Lam- Have improved since the year before, and have thrown some of the bigger parties on campus, but they don't have any off-campus houses. On top of that, some of the guys can be weird. Hit or Miss. PLB- Like KA, they used to throw some wild parties but have fallen off recently. Still fun, and still have decent turnouts. CIA- IDK
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