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hope this helps

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So informal recruitment begins for some houses in the fall semester after bid day. There is also an informal process in the spring semester. When you do informal, you can rush whatever houses you like, unlike formal, where you have to do all of them. That being said, not every sorority participates in informal recruitment. There is no way to know what houses will be participating until after bid day, because houses need to see if they made quota first. I would say houses like Delta Zeta, Phi Mu, and AOPi will most likely be participating, because they typically see smaller new member classes (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing). The best way to find out what houses are participating and what the events are is to email the recruitment chairs of your desired sororities. As far as the process itself goes, it is a lot more relaxed than formal recruitment. Girls in my sorority that participated in informal would go to Starbucks with an active member and get to know each other, then get invited back to the house to have dinner and meet more people. Other houses have informal events, such as a craft night where all the girls rushing informally can go and get to know the chapter in a more relaxed way. It’s honestly pretty similar to the type of rush events frats hold. If you’re thinking about informal and are currently participating in formal recruitment, I recommend talking to your recruitment counselors before making any decisions or dropping out. You’ve probably heard this like a dozen times but i’ll say it again because it bears repeating- Give every house you get back a chance. They really do want you there and you’ve only met a few girls out of well over a hundred. Another important thing to note: Once you make it to the pref round of formal recruitment, if you fill out the bid form, you are tied to the sorority you receive a bid from EVEN IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THE BID OR DROP OUT LATER for a full year. That means you cannot do informal until next spring. Hope this helped!
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