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Theta will likely get the top PC! They are fun girls with a decent sisterhood and actually care about their grades/involvement! I don't think there will ever be one "top" house at SMU but I think Theta will get the best PC. next 3 houses are all up in the air and really in no order Pi Phi: rushed a lot a lot of girls and even had a rush coach come in this year for extra help! Hopefully that will help them bounce back from their last couple years. This is an important year for them they'll either keep their spot in the top three or slip further down. Chi O doesn't rush very hard and they always end up with the same kind of nice cute girls, they'd need to pull a lot of standouts and ditch some of the boring girls to pass pi phi or kappa but it could maybe happen. Kappa- they'll get the same bunch of legacy girls, some beautiful some mehh but their PC will be defined by how fun/sociable they are with everyone else because thats what's hurts them. Money and tradition will probably keep em' in the top 3 for a while though. Next: Tri Delt: will be the net that catches the leftovers from these four houses, so they will end up with a good group of girls as always but its all about whether these girls end up getting along with each other or not. DG: DG also doesn't rush very hard but they have a strong sisterhood and some really cute girls- could pass tri delt if they get a good group A Chi O: this house is steadily improving G Phi: same each year- hope they fill their PC
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