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Service 2

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Gamma phi beta- Campfire, girls on the run. “Building strong women" is the mission statement associated with this. The ultimate goal is to get young women to be able to become the healthiest, happiest, and most confident women they can be. The Gamma phi chapter at SMU is known for being very involved and for having the most service hours (I believe, I recommend fact checking on that.) and attend the 5k the girls do. Theta- court appointed special advocates. This helps to train and pay for advocates for neglected or abused children. It can make a huge difference in the childrens chances at getting out of the system. The advocate stays with them all the way through the process, until the child has found a permanent, stable home, and often check in even after that. This organization is one of the ones that really helps children stuck in the system, and provides stability and warmth where they would usually find none. Kappa- reading is fundamental- this organization promotes literacy. However, it does so in a lot of very creative ways, such as providing books to children who wouldn't have them otherwise. Pi phi- literacy- This also helps with literacy for children, seeking to lower the rates of illiteracy, and vastly improve the lives of a great deal of people, seeking to create more opportunities and productivity.
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