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Service things

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Alpha chi- the alpha chi omega foundation. The Achios here work with a womans center, I believe, in order to stop domestic abuse and to protect women. They make a huge difference in the lives of women. They work for awareness, prevention, and education, according to their site. Chi omega- the make a wish foundation. Obviously a great philanthropy, this affects the lives of many people in such a wonderful, beautiful way. DDD- the childrens cancer research- partners with St. Jude Childrens research hospital. DDD is known nationally for their work, especially for raising a ridiculous amount of money to support St. Judes. It was way more than their goal, and in far less time than had been set aside for it. Delta Gamma- service for sight. They help to take care of people who have impaired vision, improving their lives in as many ways as possible. They also seek to stop blindness before it starts.
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