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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />rankings/rep<br /><br /> Poster Message:
Theta/PiPhi- these houses are the most desirable. they have the prettiest girls and mix with the "hot" frats. Theta is the more popular if you party, PiPhi is more popular if youre pretty or bubbly. not the most involved but still seen around, especially thetas because they wear their shirts a lot. they were all great an panhel preview, but thetas lack of door songs and use of music instead was kind of weird. Kappa- theyre top only because of their $$$ and reputation. They aren't the prettiest and are overall the least involved house. there are nice girls here, you just never see them around. Tridelt/Chi O- Chi O is a little holier, but both houses have nice, outgoing girls. tri delt is a little more of a party, chi o is more involved. both probably more well liked than kappa, but they lack the wealth to kick them above kappa. AXO-. tons of fun, involved, pretty, nice girls, definitely moving up with lots of partiers in the most recent pledge class. Into everything on campus DG- really nice, fun girls, into being chill, many involved on campus, moving up also GPHI Super sweet girls into lots of things on campus, strong sisterhood
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