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They truly are. Kappas are so adorable, well mannered, and just all around precious. Extremely classy. Chio omegas are some of the most loving, outgoing women around. They look out for each other, and have this really great sisterhood. I really respect them Delta Gamma is full of awesome, down to earth, wonderful women. So unique and so fun, they are some of my absolute favorite people Alpha Chis are super sweet, fun, great, all around women. I love them! And they are totally into everything on campus. Gamma phis are the nicest girls I've met. They genuinely like each other, and seem to be very involved! Tri delts are very fun to talk to, and always look put together. Pi phis are just SO cute! I love how bubbly and sweet they are, too. I haven't met a pi phi I didn't like. Thetas are really intelligent, from what I've seen in my classes. They also know how to have a good time, and I've seen them looking out for their sisters all the time. Our panhellenic community has so much to offer <3
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