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Poster Name:
Dear Freshman

<strong>Subject:</strong><br />dear freshman<br /><br /> Poster Message:
DO NOT base your opinions off of ranking or comments you see on this site. There is A LOT of self ranking done by ALL of the houses on here. Go through Panhellenic preview and sure, form some opinions. Go to all sorority individual sorority events intended for pnms to meet actives like the Greek picnic. Don't act as though you're too good for ANY house and don't think you're too good. Don't get your hopes up just because you're being rushed now. Most houses have rushing to some extent and then they drop girls during recruitment. It's nothing personal, don't take it that way. They're just selling their houses to pnms. Yes, GPA matters. Keep your grades up. Look at all the sororities with an open mind, and see which ones most share your values, and which ones most feel like home. Be nice to ALL sorority women because despite the vibe you may get from this website, the Greek system is fairly close. And don't think that because you're a legacy you're automatically in. That's not how it works.
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