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Poster Name:
^ Panhellenic Snob

Poster Message:
I am also one of the 200 2018 freshmen ladies that dropped out of recruitment after pref day. I was also in the long line on pref day of over 200 freshmen without bids from sororities 1-6 that wanted a correction or an explanation on why we were verbally given bids from these 6 sororities. We were then encouraged to go through COB, continuous open bidding for the next week after pref day. We learned only sororities 7 & 8 were adding pledges through COB. The university gave us 3 short days after pref day to drop all of all classes and move out of the dorm before their 50% refund cut on all tuition and housing fees paid in advance. I was informed only sororities 7 & 8 will participate in Fall recruitment and that sororities 1-6 only accept sophomores transfers from prestigious universities. Being trapped at SMU for the Spring semester without mixers, parties and formals was a real downer. I am now attending summer school at my community college taking general very transferable courses until I decide where to attend school in the Fall. My parents paid $100,000 for my freshmen year at SMU and all we received from Panhellenic are these same immature, snobby comments about joining these two bottom tier sororities that none of them would join themselves.
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