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Poster Name:
no scandal

Poster Message:
Two years ago kappa had their traditional welcome party for their new members. During the event some of the senior girls stripped down to their underwear while dancing to Cassanova Cowboy in front of other actives and the new member class. There were also rumors that the seniors had gone out drinking before the event. That's it. No new members were offered alcohol, no seniors had to dance in their underwear if they didn't want to, no one was hazed, it was just a tradition they did for fun every year. Except there were secret security cameras inside the house recording the whole thing that were put there by the house mother who had been trying to get the girls in trouble. She sent the secret recordings in to kappa nationals and the videos were viewed with individual girls identified and then nationals kicked out a bunch of the seniors right before graduation and threatened the members with releasing the secret videos of the undressed girls to SMU administration if the girls didn't just go quietly. So most of them just left rather than face the embarrassment and hassle, but one girl decided to sue based on invasion of privacy and the fact that the girls were being recorded inside their own house without their knowledge or consent, which is against texas law.
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