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No worries

Poster Message:
First semester parties are open to all and you’ll just hear about them naturally on ur floor and through friends. Some frats you might end up going to more then other naturally based on who u know and such. By nov you’ll have a good indication of where u like hanging out. Second semester is harder because the first three months are mixer season. For example a top tier frat might not mix with a bottom sorority. But the same a bottom frat prob won’t ask to mix with a top sorority. While some people think it’s tier based every year it’s based on older members current friendships and the social chairs of every chapter. However after spring break they all open back up again. To the crazy poster sorry PKT didn’t want you but it’s your own job to network first semester. Less then 30% of all the pledge classes are legacies so if you didn’t get in where u wanted you have no one to blame but yourself. And from seeing ur personality I’m not surprised why u didn’t get a bid.
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