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Go to night at the club and join as many orgs on campus that interest you. After the first few weeks the two or three clubs you’re most passionate about will become clear and you’ll meet upperclassman that way. On that same page when ur in class, in clubs, or at parties notice what frats and sororities you tend to see and gravitate toward. If you go into rush with that in mind you will have a much better experience. I personally ignored that fact and rushed based off stereotypes and ended up very disappointed. But when I ignored stereotypes and rerushed sophomore year and was honest with myself about who I liked and where I fit in, not what other people were telling me to be, I found my home and had a great experience. Lastly, since u specifally asked DG is one of the most involved on campus if not THE most involved on campus along with AXO, Chi-O, then GPhi. so if ur heart is set on DG you’ll find them in almost every club. That being said don’t try to set ur heart too much on one house, you’ll never know where you’ll find ur family. Good luck and be yourself.
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