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Don’t worry about this. It’s usually who the “top”sororities fight over. Which is a girl every year usually famous for her family ie (Kardashian, sherapova, etc) but don’t be worry about this or be deterred. Be yourself and you’ll end up in the house right for you. Other top girls for example are if you have a 4.0 this instantly makes you very desirable to the more academically minded sororities since you’ll boost the overall pledge class gpa. Recs only really matter in terms of cutting girls less about keeping. For example if your sorority is told you have to cut 100 girls on day 1 out of 700 you don’t physically have time to go through every girl. So often girls without recs and low gpas get cut first. Also just a bty while certain houses try to get the “wealthy girls” or “right family” to make their pledge classes look better, a lot of the true billionaire families at SMU are in “bottom” tier houses since they don’t flaunt there money. Not saying this to boost anyone but to genuinely go in with an open mind and screw tiers and reputations. Go where you feel comfortable and will make friends.
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