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<strong>Subject:</strong><br />my two cents<br /><br /> Poster Message:
As a PanHel girl for one year now, I have heard a lot and seen a lot about each sorority, so why not add my two cents? Will try not to be mean about any sorority, as tbh I have at least one close friend in each! AEPhi: #mostfun gets really annoying, but it's probably true honestly. i consider them to be more of a frat than a sorority, but that's not exactly a bad thing. by far the least attractive sorority, but w/e don't think they pride themselves on being attractive. the only sorority that hazes, which adds to their frattiness BUT definitely seems to have resulted in the strongest sisterhood. I have a friend who recently joined and absolutely adores her sisters. It's very nice to see/hear. Frats like them because they're fun and laid back (ie little drama) but probably wouldn't date them. AXiD: obviously still working on their rep, but the amount they have been able to accomplish in one year is pretty incredible! they are all over the place as far as majors/hobbies/looks giving them their mixed bag stereotype, but that's to be expected. i can see this group of girls going either way in the future, just depends on the pledge classes they can pick up. most are very fun and absolutely genuine/friendly. good group if you're an incoming PNM interested in being a part of something a little different and new! DPhiE: had a very bad rep when I started temple, was always hearing that they were full of "heffers". this new batch def turned that around!
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